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Atlanta, Georgia

Daily Dtox focuses on Ayurveda, Beauty, Health and Wellness and the most optimum ways for the body to Detoxify on a daily basis using Food, Juice, Yoga and Meditation.  


A Blog focusing on Juicing, Ayurveda, Yoga, Recipes, Meditation and all things Health and Wellness.  


February Group Schedule

Shannon Sliger

Friday, February 19th

7am ISHTA yoga w SSS

8am guided meditation

8:20 cleanses distributed/Q&A about cleanse

9am-12 Therapies from 2UMedical, Exhale Spa, or Cleanse Camp

12 Dierdre Meehan talks from the Transcendental Meditation Center of Atlanta

1pm Ayurvedic Food Demo with SSS

2pm-6 Therapies from 2UMedical, Exhale Spa, or Cleanse Camp

6pm Yoga home practice taught/guided meditation

7pm BIG TALK Q&A about day, cleansing, health, wellness, Ayurveda, etc


Saturday, February 20th

7am ISHTA yoga w SSS

8am Mindfulness Meditation with Debbie Dermer

8:20 Cleanse Distributions

8:30 Debbie Dermer discusses Mindfulness 

9-12 Therapies

12 Sally Larsen from Sally B Skin Yummies speaks about toxic skincare

1pm Ayurvedic Food Demo w SSS

2-6 Therapies

6pm yoga home practice taught/practiced

7pm Big Talk



8:30 Yoga/Meditation

10 Breaking the Cleanse/Eating for Your Dosha