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Atlanta, Georgia

Daily Dtox focuses on Ayurveda, Beauty, Health and Wellness and the most optimum ways for the body to Detoxify on a daily basis using Food, Juice, Yoga and Meditation.  


A Blog focusing on Juicing, Ayurveda, Yoga, Recipes, Meditation and all things Health and Wellness.  


Infused Water

Shannon Sliger

Water doesn't have to be boring.  You can add vitamins, minerals and flavor by adding fruits, herbs and veggies.  Today we have pineapple, lemon and cilantro. We will refill this at least 4 times today and eat the pineapple at dinner.  The container is from Bodum and is BPA free.  

If you are doing the 30 day Water Challenge, then you are experiencing some side effects.  They may include cleaner closets because you have so much energy, you are organizing at midnight.  It happens for some on a  juice cleanse as well.  You are flooding your body with alkalinity, detoxing and eating less which means less digestion energy is being expended so you feel less tired and more energetic.  Your brain has more clarity and creativity, less fog and you are able to function better.   

How are you feeling drinking half your body weight in ounces of water each day?