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Atlanta, Georgia

Daily Dtox focuses on Ayurveda, Beauty, Health and Wellness and the most optimum ways for the body to Detoxify on a daily basis using Food, Juice, Yoga and Meditation.  



A Blog focusing on Juicing, Ayurveda, Yoga, Recipes, Meditation and all things Health and Wellness.  


Filtering by Tag: beauty of doing nothing

Just Do It

Shannon Sliger


How do you know what good feels like if you never feel bad?

I like yoga because you stretch yourself beyond your edge, your heart starts racing from a simple long hold, sweat starts streaming and then you stop.  The teacher says lie on your belly and do nothing.  There is a god.  

The beauty of doing nothing.  You can't know it if you are never busy.  You can't appreciate it if you are never stressed.  Embrace it.