Really Hot Yoga
Shannon Sliger
Carly Grace and Shannon
After my pregnancy, I started back to yoga when my doctor said it was okay. Not really, but listen to your doctor. I did my first post-partum, post C Section yoga class at 1 month after at Thunderbolt Power Yoga. It was my friend Carly Grace's grand opening and I couldn't miss it. I took it easy, all but the headstand leg lifts, it was fine. I did make a rookie mistake and instead of following my breath and listening to my body, my ego kicked in. I was SO HEAVY, not in weight, but in feeling. I was accustomed to feeling light as a bird in class and now I felt like a dump truck. In this vigorous Baron Baptiste style class, we hopped around in chataranga a lot and I injured my big toe. That's what happens when you follow your ego. You get hurt.
At Thunderbolt and in Baptiste classes, they heat the room up to 90 degrees. That's not too hot. I've been in HOT yoga like Be Hot Yoga in Atlanta where it's easily 110 degrees. I swear it was 125 once. Maybe not. I took several classes there over 5 years ago. I determined from those 6 classes that I did not do hot yoga. It was not for my constitution. Never to return.
Well, things change. Perspectives and needs change. I did many classes after this pregnancy in vinyasa style warm rooms and I just wasn't getting what I needed. I ran into my friend Jason, the owner of Be Hot, and decided to check out the studio again.
Traditional style hot yoga classes do not flow or do vinyasa. They have set postures of holding a pose for a minute, change; second set, 30 seconds, change.
After my first class at Be Hot, where it is really hot, I felt like I'd lost 50 pounds. I felt light again.
If you've tried yoga once and hated it, try it again. All studios are different. There are many different styles of yoga. Each teacher at each studio is different. The energy in each class is different.
Traditional Bikram hot yoga classes are great for beginners and those with injuries. They are also great for those that don't want to be hippy dippy or sing kumbaya. Perfect for my husband. Perfect for me right now.